Transformation hurts-Embrace it Sis!

(⛔️Trigger Warning)  

😁Y’all, in this journey of faith, there are often misconceptions and judgments that cloud our paths. Shall I testify🙋‍♀️?? Many say you can’t be of the world and be a Christian, but I stand here as living proof of the contrary. I came to Christ while fully embracing my "identity", which said, “I am only human” or “I’m not perfect.”. And despite lingering desires and struggles like lust, alcohol, pornography, and self-harm, I kept showing up at church, attending prayers and revivals, and clinging to my love for God. The Holy Spirit was guiding me through deep sermons and scriptures, yet still, the struggles persisted. Nevertheless, believe it or not, my commitment to Christ deepened with each passing day.

Then, one morning, I woke up to a realization - my satisfaction with these 'things' was slowly decreasing. Each time I had an urge or craving, I reluctantly prayed. (Yes I prayed.) Did He not say we must Cast our burdens unto Him, and He will sustain us? (Psalm 55:22) Exactly! So I told God plainly how I really wanted a drink or to harm myself, or watch porn because they would make me feel good. But that’s just it, I wasn’t praying because I knew I would feel good, I was praying because of the feeling of guilt and disgust I knew would overcome me afterwards. WAIT!😐️ What just happened? The longing for the Lord had grown from just showing up on Sundays to happening internally now every day. Do not despise the prayers and worship that don't yield instant results!🙌 (Inspired by Zechariah 4:10) The transformation had long begun, the cravings were dying. I just could not see it at the time. The great work He had begun, was just that- WORK! Think about it, no work has ever been instant, that's why we return from our jobs tired, every day!! 

Sis, Its a process, of faith and surrender. God's transformative work isn't hindered by human judgment or expectations. It is not a two-minute magic process. It is messy, you will cry, your pride will die, your heart will be broken, and I even lost weight! But as Job said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him” (Job 13:15). Surrender to the difficulty, the discomfort, and the suffering, it is for your salvation! Now, years later, I stand as a testament to God's grace. God is still at work. I am still learning that He is enough and He has been. I am still in church without fail surrounded by a cloud of loving witnesses, but the difference? I am encouraged to keep pursuing my Father God, Seeking His Kingdom, drawing nearer to Him😍.

#SeekTheKingdom #ChristMade #EvidenceofGrace 

The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts.- Haggai 2:9


  • edited June 2024

    I am intrigued by this. Nkulunkulu ukhona. Thank you for this. I will share to my teens and young adults far and wide. So real, raw, and encouraging.

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