Embrace your Purpose!

With the world’s constant distractions, pressures & uncertainties, it is so easy for us to lose sight of where we belong- our purpose. If it is not social media, it's our academics & the expectations we want to fulfill but have not. I can testify that being intentional about focusing on my goals is sometimes overshadowed by insecurities, relationships, the ‘biological clock’, seeking the Lord, honoring my parents…It becomes so easy to get caught up in wanting to become the best you can be. But what does God’s Word say?

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 12:1

"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come & the years approach when you will say, 'I find no pleasure in them.'"

This verse reminds us of the importance of acknowledging & honoring God while we're young. It's easy to get caught up in the pursuits of this world, whether it's academic achievements, career goals, or social status. However, true fulfilment & purpose can only be found in a relationship with our Creator. In the midst of good or bad chaos, the call to live intentionally & with a sense of direction resonates deeply with us believers, reminding us of our divine mandate to seek God's Will above all else.

The Scripture from Ecclesiastes 12:1 serves as our reminder of the importance of prioritizing our relationship with God, especially in these formative years of youth. King Solomon reflects on the fleeting nature of life. He urges us as young people to remember our Creator before the trials & tribulations of life overshadow our ability to find joy & meaning. People! It's a Wake-up call to strengthen our faith now.

I guess the basis of all this is paying attention to what we tend to prioritise; worldly achievements or God. What measurements of success have you placed for yourself? Popularity & accolades of the world or an intimate relationship with God? How easy it has been to equate my worth with my accomplishments or lack thereof. But let's be honest, those feelings soon die down until the next person recognizes my worth.

So we are reminded that true fulfillment & purpose cannot be found in temporary pleasures that benefit us. We are called to remember our creator, to acknowledge & honor him. It's not a suggestion, nor are we expected to get it right the first time, hence, we have the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). It is an intentional journey that transforms our perspective on life, guiding our decisions, worldviews & priorities with eternal significance in mind.

Of course, it will not always be easy, your dreams might have to die, your pride will be hit HARD, & you might just have to go through pruning & refining…#YOH! But the decision to seek God, through the pain, will position ourselves to fulfil our true calling & confidently make a lasting impact in the world around us. Embrace your purpose- God’s got you.


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