Reflections on Genesis Chapter 1

I am fascinated, particularly by how God, from the beginning, showed us who we are, his divine plan for us and how real Psalm 8 is. O Lord, our God, how excellent is your name....what is man that You are mindful of him,for You have made him a little lower than the angels, and crowned him with glory and have put ALL things under his feet.

"Let there be light"

Before anything could exist, God divided light and darkness. They were never to coexist, meaning be present at the same moment. It had to be either end, and it still is. One also needs to choose between light and darkness. Even in our lives today, a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, never to return again. Once you enter the darkness of the grave, you will never be able to return in the same form, our bodies will be transformed at resurrection. For me, this refers to our redemption/salvation; once we devote our life to Christ, we are transformed into light and are never supposed to return to darkness. It's remarkable how salvation is introduced right from the beginning when God said let there be light and everything that existed in the darkness before was immediately brought into the light. God divided light from darkness, and in our lives via salvation, he separates us from the darkness through Jesus Christ, just as He used The Word in the beginning. I am in awe of how God uses His Spirit in this way; simplicity that appears so difficult without His Holy Spirit.

"Let the earth bring forth..."

God commands, "Let the earth bring forth..." In Siswati, it reads "umhlaba awuletse, awutale...". It indicates production. In verses 11 and 24, we see that everything produced by the Earth, God did not blessed, as opposed to verse 20, where he commanded that the waters be filled in abundance, saying let the waters abound with living creatures and the sky be filled with birds, and then He blessed these creatures to be fruitful and multiply. Listen to this, to the Earth, he said to produce this and that, right? I'm heading somewhere with this, but first, let's look at what he also created with the Earth. God created man from it, so what am I? I am made of the Earth. What I am is more empowered because I have the breath of God inside me, meaning that now I have the power of God extended to me to rule and have dominion over everything in the earth. When He said let the Earth produce, it means that the Earth has the ability and is empowered to produce. Everything that the earth produced was already inside of it and that is why God said to it bring forth. Genesis 1 verse 28 says that God blessed them and gave them dominion , multiplication.

Of all the things produced from the earth, we are the ones He blessed, not the animals or plants. He gave us power and a blessing to produce, multiply, bring forth what's inside of us, to take up space, subdue and dominate.

According to Psalm 8, you have made him lower than the angels while also bestowing praise and honour upon him. Maye sinemandla!


Faith is powerful. Faith can move mountains. Not huge faith, but mustard seed faith can move mountains. The account of creation cannot be verified in any science book; it is a story of faith. It all depends on how you perceive your origins. It's about who you think you are. It is not an argument that can be supported by scientific data. It is a faith matter; if you think that it is a faith matter, you may then take your faith and not give up, believing in the power that was ordained upon you in the Garden of Eden as a human being. Take that power and dominate any situation that is conspiring against your destiny. Take it on any force that is working against your destiny. This is your season to dominate; this is your time to remember who you are. For every spirit that is not of God in this world, you have the power to dominate and subdue in Jesus' name. If it is dwelling on another human being, you have the power to speak it out of the person so that you and that person can dominate together as one body in Christ. So we can work together.

Everything that is not of God is under your feet. Walk tall.

May God bless you.

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