Move Forward

edited May 21 in Encouragement

I am a child of God who has received salvation through the shed blood of Jesus. I am cleansed, sanctified, and purified on a daily basis. The blood of Jesus redeemed me, allowing me to establish a relationship with the Holy Spirit and enter into fellowship with Christ. It established harmony between me and God and provides me with the certainty of eternal life. According to Romans 8:1, the blood of Jesus releases me from condemnation, and it also grants me authority over the adversary, as stated in Revelations 12:11. There is, therefore, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

I am led to discuss the topic, "Moving Forward."

There are many individuals among us who have experienced unfortunate events in their lives. I am of the opinion that God is the ultimate "permitter/refuser" of events in our lives, I am of the opinion that events are unable to transpire without His "Yes," regardless of whether they are positive or negative. He may also send us to Babylon (a place of captivity) as a result of our disobedience or for reasons that are best known to Him. However, our God is in heaven; He does as He pleases, as stated in Psalms 115:3. What I love about God is that it is never in vain. All the time Romans 8:28 - For those who love God and are appointed according to His purpose, all things work together for good.

I would like to focus on two scriptures:

  1. Jeremiah 29:10-14a
  2. Exodus 14:15

Kindly get your Bible and open Jeremiah 29:10. "After 70 years are completed", (when the time that God has designated has elapsed), "I will visit you and perform my good word towards you". Are you experiencing a hunger and longing for God like you have never experienced before? Are you experiencing a sense of urgency to become more intimate with Him, as you sense in your Spirit that He is also urging you to approach Him to establish a more intimate relationship with Him? Certainly, despite the fact that you may feel this way, you may also feel as though you are still in captivity in certain aspects of your life, even though the visitation has been so apparent recently. Let me tell you that the visitation you are currently experiencing is indicative of the Babylon from which you are emerging. It is necessary to open your spiritual eyes to recognise that this is not merely a feeling, but rather a visitation, and that your liberation is imminent. Verse 11 discusses His intentions to provide you with a prosperous future and to ensure that you are never destroyed. God has good plans for you, despite the fact that it sounds like a common verse that has been repeated so often that its significance appears to have diminished. This is not merely a visitation; it is a demonstration of His intentions to bring you prosperity. Now there are verses 12 "Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14a I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity; 

It seems when He has visited you,

  • You must recognise that it is God who is visiting you.
  • You must call upon Him (pray), and He will listen to you.
  • You must seek Him and search Him with all your heart (and He is willing to be found)
  • He will be found by you.
  • Then He will bring you back from captivity

God is not a 2-minute noodles God. He wants commitment, dedication, time, and your whole heart's effort. This will require you to believe that this word is true. Remember Hebrews 11:6 that says it is impossible to please God without faith because he who comes to God must believe that He is God and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. During this hunger and thirst for Him, which He also promised in Matthew 5:6 that it will be filled, just pour your heart to Him. This visitation is for you to just sit at His feet and worship Him to ignite a move of God in your life. Psalm 22:3 says He inhabits the praise of Israel. God is moved by your:

  • obedience (Duet 28:1),
  • faith in Him (Hebrews 11:6)
  • Worship (Psalm 22:3)

During Israel's captivity in Egypt, God visited Moses. Egypt. He visited Moses when the time of captivity had elapsed. See? He shows up to redeem! The Israelites went through hell. But can you imagine a soccer ball filled with air. When you kick the ball, it is only the leather or the plastic of the ball that feels the impact of the kick but while the air inside remains unaffected. Today, I implore you to adopt the soccer ball mentality. Fill yourself up with the Holy Spirit so that your inner man only worships as if nothing is happening when your physical body is kicked. The Israelites did so because they were aware of their identity and were confident that their redemption would come. This is the manner in which we have been built. We are made of flesh and Spirit, but Spirit is more resilient, stronger, and in possession of a God greater than any kick.

Exodus 14:15b "Tell the children of Israel to go forward." Despite the numerous kicks and blows you have endured; God commands you to "move forward." His visitation is your redemption. Imagine that God instructed them to move forward regardless of the Red Sea was in front of them, but He said, "Move forward." They had to obey, believe, and take action. Can you do that today? Can you walk in that confidence that because He says so, you can say, "I will move forward. I will forget my Babylon, my Egypt and the impossibilities I see before me, and just trust and obey." Forgive the ones you feel have held you captive. Move forward. This hunger you feel is a visitation; start packing; your freedom has come. You are about to live in your answered prayers.

He is willing to be found by those who seek Him with their whole heart.

May God bless you. You finished reading, and I believe that it is because it is your day to start packing and move forward. Your visitation has brought about your redemption.


  • This is indeed a profound reflection of God's sovereignty in our lives, and how it remains despite all that goes on within us and around us. It is a strong call to faith, especially in such times when obstacles seem discouraging and hope seems bleak. Walking in confidence because God tells us to move forward is not easy, but it is not meant to be. The driving force, I believe, is the resilience to hold on to faith in the Lord, and my willingness to seek Him with all my heart. Thank you❤️

  • Wow,! This could’ve only been revealed by Revelation of The Holy Spirit. I’m adopting the soccer ball mentality. This is good. I needed this.

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