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It is worth it
Have you ever asked the question – Is serving God really worth it? I know that I’ve certainly done that in my life and my guess is that most of you have done that at some point in your life as well.
You do the very best you know how to apply Biblical principles with your finances. You give the first portion of your earnings to God every single time. You don’t borrow money to buy things that you don’t really need. You carefully budget your money and yet, it seems that you barely are able to make ends meet. Then you think of your friend who always complains that he is up to his eyeballs in debt. But he is driving a fancy new car, his family goes out to eat at expensive restaurants all the time and they take an lavish vacation every year. Aren’t you at least tempted to think, “Is it really worth it to serve God?” Maybe you’ve been involved in just about every ministry in the church and have always served God just as faithfully as you know how, but you still can’t get pregnant or you have a miscarriage, or your child is born with serious health issues or someone in your family gets cancer. While the family next door who wants nothing at all to do with God has a perfectly healthy family. In that situation, it’s only natural to ask if serving God is really worth it.The reward is great for those who are willing to meekly and patiently suffer and be persecuted for righteousness sake. This is our time of trial. Will we be faithful or will we forsake God when things don’t go our way? No matter what, serving God is worth it, there’s an eternal reward that awaits those who persevere till the end.

Living within urgency
Tomorrow is not promised, tomorrow is not in our hands. At any given moment the Lord could call us home. Are you living your life within urgency for the things of Christ? Because if you truly believe that tomorrow is not promised, then you would live with a purpose. Everything you do or work towards should be done with a view of eternity. James 4:14 says, “You don’t even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? It is a mist that appears for a little while. Then it disappears.” Think about that, for your life is a midst, the Bible says. You appear for a little time then ‘puff’ you’re gone. With each passing second, minute, hour, day, week, and year, we are getting closer to an appointed time and day when we will stand before God an give an account for what we’ve done on earth. So now is the time to get right and build a close relationship with Jesus Christ, now is the right time to work and to serve the kingdom of God, the time to fully surrender to Jesus Christ. Do not put it off a second longer, there is no reason to wait.
There is eternal life in Jesus. Matthew 6:19-21 says, “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” If we place value on the things of God and His eternal kingdom instead of on the temporary things of this world, we will have those treasures forever. We work hard in this world to provide a home for our family, clothes and food, and there is nothing wrong with that. But when you look at this lifetime relative to eternity, we are faced with how unimportant those things become. This world is a temporary residence. When we use our time, talents, and treasures to accumulate earthly treasures, those are temporary as well. But when we give our resources for Christ’s sake, we demonstrate that we value Christ and that we consider other people worth more than our own comfort and preservation.
You need to stop wrestling with God and let Him transform your life and I promise you that you will experience freedom like you have never felt before. Jesus is the one satisfies every hunger, He quenches every thirst. He fills the deepest longings of your soul. You can come to Him today. He is patient and He is willing to forgive those who come to Him with a broken heart. Hebrews 9:27 says, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” With this in mind, I encourage you to live your life within urgency, time is ticking. Sooner or later you will stand before the Lord in the day of Judgement. Live a life that is mindful of the fact that we will all be accountable for what we did for Jesus here on earth and for what we were supposed to do and did not do. Will you be able to say that your life produced good fruit for the Kingdom of God? Will you be able to say that with your days here on earth you had eternity on your mind?
Far too many people waste their lives on things that won’t last; money, power, relationships, but God is not very much concerned with those things. He is concerned with the state of your heart. What matters most is how you live your life in accordance with God’s word, who reigns at the Throne of your heart and at the end of your life the Lord will not ask how much money you made, how many friends you made or the number of followers you had on social media. He will simply ask you, “who did you put your trust in for your eternal salvation? Who did you serve? Who did you love with all of your heart, mind, body and soul?” The only correct answer, is Jesus Christ the son of the living God.
The same God who crafted our Redemption Story and sent Jesus Christ to die for our sins, gifting us Salvation. Is the same God who wants to spend eternity with us. John 3:16-17 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” To gain everlasting life with Christ, we must prepare for His second coming. And just like all the other prophecies that he spoke of, were fulfilled. This is no different. Jesus is coming, and no one knows the day but The Father (Matthew 24:36). So, it is wise for us, to prepare in advance and do maintenance then it is to rush last minute.
If you are not yet laying up treasures in heaven, what are you waiting for? Get connected and find a place to help and people to serve. Start investing in your eternity today because everyday might be your last.

Re: The Unpredictability of Life
Thank you. As I mourn the loss of a dear friend, it surely is comforting to trust in our God who is closer to the broken hearted.
The Unpredictability of Life
Life is a beautiful tapestry woven with joy and sorrow, celebration and mourning. It often feels like a delicate balance, where one moment we may find ourselves rejoicing in love and commitment, and the next, we are grappling with the loss of someone dear to us. As children of God, I guess we find ourselves thanking God for life anyhow, life given & life taken, Life made new and life everlasting in Christ.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 (NIV) tells us, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot.” This profound passage reminds us that life is a series of seasons, each with its purpose and beauty, even amidst our struggles. The key is that every activity is governed by time.
In moments of celebration, such as a marriage proposal, we experience the fullness of joy and hope. It’s a time when dreams intertwine with reality, and love takes center stage. Yet, in the midst of that joy, we may also receive news of someone’s passing, a stark reminder of life’s fragility. Work that is completely wrong at one time may be right and necessary at another. At one moment it is right to mourn and wrong to dance, and at another moment the opposite is true. This is not a conclusive answer to the puzzles of life, but a sign that God is in the world, even if we do not see clearly what exactly that means for us. In these unpredictable moments, it’s essential to lean into God’s presence, rejoicing in the Lord always & seeking Him in the midst of heartache. He understands our duality—how our hearts can be lifted high in celebration while still feeling the weight of sorrow. As you go through your day, remember that both joy and sorrow are part of life’s journey. Let us cherish the moments of celebration and be present with those who are mourning. In all things, we can find hope and comfort in God’s unchanging love. He remains closer than any brother (Prov 18:24).
Today, I really pray for you Sis, to be thankful for the gift of life and the joy of love. I pray our Father helps us navigate unpredictable moments with grace. May we celebrate with those who rejoice and mourn with those who weep. May He give you the wisdom & boldness to embrace each season, trusting in the Lord's perfect timing,
Wait. Pray. Persevere.
Cela ngetinsuku tonkhe, iNkhosi inemandla.
Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Standing in the GAP
In 1 Samuel 20, we find Jonathan going against all odds to protect David’s life, so much so that he went against the Kings orders. Jonathan loved David as he loved himself and he swore on the living God that as long as he lives David shall not be killed. As I was reading this chapter and trying to bring it to our daily lives, Jonathan were the people God sends our way to stand in the GAP, and fill in for us in our times of need, mostly through prayer. A Jonathan’s job is very vital because it has the power to prevent an individual from facing death. When God gives us an opportunity to be a Jonathan in someones life may we not take it for granted, may we stand in the gap and do exactly as the Lord has assigned us to do, may we not doubt God, and may we not think that these boots are too big for us. Stand in the Gap, give it your all, and make sure that your David walks out of whatever situation they are faced with alive.
Re: Move Forward
Wow,! This could’ve only been revealed by Revelation of The Holy Spirit. I’m adopting the soccer ball mentality. This is good. I needed this.
Reflections on Genesis Chapter 1
I am fascinated, particularly by how God, from the beginning, showed us who we are, his divine plan for us and how real Psalm 8 is. O Lord, our God, how excellent is your name....what is man that You are mindful of him,for You have made him a little lower than the angels, and crowned him with glory and have put ALL things under his feet.
"Let there be light"
Before anything could exist, God divided light and darkness. They were never to coexist, meaning be present at the same moment. It had to be either end, and it still is. One also needs to choose between light and darkness. Even in our lives today, a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, never to return again. Once you enter the darkness of the grave, you will never be able to return in the same form, our bodies will be transformed at resurrection. For me, this refers to our redemption/salvation; once we devote our life to Christ, we are transformed into light and are never supposed to return to darkness. It's remarkable how salvation is introduced right from the beginning when God said let there be light and everything that existed in the darkness before was immediately brought into the light. God divided light from darkness, and in our lives via salvation, he separates us from the darkness through Jesus Christ, just as He used The Word in the beginning. I am in awe of how God uses His Spirit in this way; simplicity that appears so difficult without His Holy Spirit.
"Let the earth bring forth..."
God commands, "Let the earth bring forth..." In Siswati, it reads "umhlaba awuletse, awutale...". It indicates production. In verses 11 and 24, we see that everything produced by the Earth, God did not blessed, as opposed to verse 20, where he commanded that the waters be filled in abundance, saying let the waters abound with living creatures and the sky be filled with birds, and then He blessed these creatures to be fruitful and multiply. Listen to this, to the Earth, he said to produce this and that, right? I'm heading somewhere with this, but first, let's look at what he also created with the Earth. God created man from it, so what am I? I am made of the Earth. What I am is more empowered because I have the breath of God inside me, meaning that now I have the power of God extended to me to rule and have dominion over everything in the earth. When He said let the Earth produce, it means that the Earth has the ability and is empowered to produce. Everything that the earth produced was already inside of it and that is why God said to it bring forth. Genesis 1 verse 28 says that God blessed them and gave them dominion , multiplication.
Of all the things produced from the earth, we are the ones He blessed, not the animals or plants. He gave us power and a blessing to produce, multiply, bring forth what's inside of us, to take up space, subdue and dominate.
According to Psalm 8, you have made him lower than the angels while also bestowing praise and honour upon him. Maye sinemandla!
Faith is powerful. Faith can move mountains. Not huge faith, but mustard seed faith can move mountains. The account of creation cannot be verified in any science book; it is a story of faith. It all depends on how you perceive your origins. It's about who you think you are. It is not an argument that can be supported by scientific data. It is a faith matter; if you think that it is a faith matter, you may then take your faith and not give up, believing in the power that was ordained upon you in the Garden of Eden as a human being. Take that power and dominate any situation that is conspiring against your destiny. Take it on any force that is working against your destiny. This is your season to dominate; this is your time to remember who you are. For every spirit that is not of God in this world, you have the power to dominate and subdue in Jesus' name. If it is dwelling on another human being, you have the power to speak it out of the person so that you and that person can dominate together as one body in Christ. So we can work together.
Everything that is not of God is under your feet. Walk tall.
May God bless you.
Embrace your Purpose!
With the world’s constant distractions, pressures & uncertainties, it is so easy for us to lose sight of where we belong- our purpose. If it is not social media, it's our academics & the expectations we want to fulfill but have not. I can testify that being intentional about focusing on my goals is sometimes overshadowed by insecurities, relationships, the ‘biological clock’, seeking the Lord, honoring my parents…It becomes so easy to get caught up in wanting to become the best you can be. But what does God’s Word say?
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 12:1
"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come & the years approach when you will say, 'I find no pleasure in them.'"
This verse reminds us of the importance of acknowledging & honoring God while we're young. It's easy to get caught up in the pursuits of this world, whether it's academic achievements, career goals, or social status. However, true fulfilment & purpose can only be found in a relationship with our Creator. In the midst of good or bad chaos, the call to live intentionally & with a sense of direction resonates deeply with us believers, reminding us of our divine mandate to seek God's Will above all else.
The Scripture from Ecclesiastes 12:1 serves as our reminder of the importance of prioritizing our relationship with God, especially in these formative years of youth. King Solomon reflects on the fleeting nature of life. He urges us as young people to remember our Creator before the trials & tribulations of life overshadow our ability to find joy & meaning. People! It's a Wake-up call to strengthen our faith now.
I guess the basis of all this is paying attention to what we tend to prioritise; worldly achievements or God. What measurements of success have you placed for yourself? Popularity & accolades of the world or an intimate relationship with God? How easy it has been to equate my worth with my accomplishments or lack thereof. But let's be honest, those feelings soon die down until the next person recognizes my worth.
So we are reminded that true fulfillment & purpose cannot be found in temporary pleasures that benefit us. We are called to remember our creator, to acknowledge & honor him. It's not a suggestion, nor are we expected to get it right the first time, hence, we have the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). It is an intentional journey that transforms our perspective on life, guiding our decisions, worldviews & priorities with eternal significance in mind.
Of course, it will not always be easy, your dreams might have to die, your pride will be hit HARD, & you might just have to go through pruning & refining…#YOH! But the decision to seek God, through the pain, will position ourselves to fulfil our true calling & confidently make a lasting impact in the world around us. Embrace your purpose- God’s got you.